Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Mandatory MCF TEMP Meeting

There will be 1 company meeting for the 3rd quarter for ALL MCF TEMPORARY employees.

Thursday, Nov. 1, 2018
1:00 pm
MCF Event Center

This meeting is for temporary employees only and the door will close at 1:00 pm.

Mandatory Company Meeting

There will be 1 company meeting for the 3rd quarter for ALL MCF payroll employees.

Thursday, Nov. 1, 2018
3:30 pm
MCF Event Center

This meeting is for employees only and the door will close at 3:30 pm.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Free Flu Shots

Flu shots are available at the MCF Clinic.  Please call 801-798-9200 for an appointment.  Flu shots are available to MCF employees and MCF temporary employees only.

Leadership 101 - Session 7: Lean 101

Any one interested in developing their leadership, coaching and communication skills, you're invited to attend:

Thursday, Nov. 8, 2018 A/B shift employees
Thursday, Nov. 15, 2018 C/D shift employees
4:00 pm
MCF Event Center
Session 7: Lean

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Leadership 101: Session 6

Any one interested in developing their leadership, coaching and communication skills, you're invited to attend:

Thursday, Oct. 11, 2018 A/B shift employees
Thursday, Oct. 18, 2018 C/D shift employees
4:00 pm
MCF Event Center
Session 6: Change