
MCF Campground Rules
  • No alcohol allowed on the premises
  • No shooting
  • No fireworks
  • All grey and black water must be disposed of at marked dumping station
  • Clean up after your pets
  • Keep your pets in your own area
  • Clean up after yourself (including taking garbage out with you when you leave)
  • Respect fellow campers
  • 1 week stay limit
  • No unattended fires
  • Fires allowed in fire pits only
  • Employees are responsible for guests and their actions at all times
  • All motor vehicles must stay on designated trails
  • Fishing is allowed
  • All county/state laws must be followed
  • MCF is not liable for personal injury or property damage
If MCF Campground Rules are not followed, campground privileges will be permanently taken away and termination from MCF will be possible.

For reservations and directions, 
please contact Pilar