
Holly Hill

For appointments please call

1533 N Main Street, Spanish Fork

Note: Please state reason for visit when making appointment

Hours are variable.
  • Open for employees, dependents and spouses
  • Patients must be a current employee or legal dependent (claimed on taxes) or legally married spouse of current employee
  • Everyone is expected to be on time for all appointments
  • Benefit is free of charge
Why See a Nutritionist?

Good nutrition can help you feel better, and can help with a lot of health problems. The following is a list of nutrition topics we can discuss. This list is not comprehensive--if you have any questions, please call or email. 
  • General healthy nutrition
  • Nutrition during pregnancy
  • Weight loss
  • Tips for feeding younger children
  • Diabetes (type 1 or type 2)
  • Celiac disease (and other food allergies)
  • Cancer prevention
  • Ways to help lower cholesterol
  • Heart disease
  • Lowering salt intake
  • Bone health
  • Anemia
  • Sources of fiber
  • Sources of other vitamins, minerals or nutrients, such as probiotics/prebiotics, omega-3's, iron, folate, etc.