Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Mandatory Company Meeting

There will be 2 company meetings for the 1st quarter for ALL MCF employees:
Thursday, May 4 , 2017 for Weekend employees
Friday, May 5, 2017 for Weekday employees
Time: 3:30 pm
Where: MCF Event Center
MCF Employees only, please no food or drink, door closes @ 3:30 pm. 

MCF Clinic

We hope having the clinic open temporarily on Saturdays helped you and your family during flu season.  Due to warmer weather and the reduced number of flu cases, the clinic will no longer be open on Saturdays.

The Clinic hours are:
Monday - Thursday
9 am - 6 pm

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

MCF Event Center

We are very excited to announce that our new MCF Event Center will be open for reservations beginning on March 24th!  Please see our blog page Event Center for more details.

We would like to welcome Coco Angel as our new Event Center Coordinator.

For reservations, please email Coco