Friday, January 27, 2012

W2 Tax Statements

2011 W2 tax statements are available in the Personnel Office.  Get them now or they will be mailed Tuesday 1/31/12.

Las formas W2 de los Impuestos ya estan disponibles en la Oficina del Personal. Recogalos ahora, o si no;  se les enviara por correo el Martes 1/31/12.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Safety Committee Meeting

Who: Safety Committee Members
When: Thurs, Jan. 19th
Time: 3pm
Where: Personnel Office Training Center
Remember to check your area First Aid Kit Needs

Company Meeting this Friday

This month’s mandatory company meeting:
When: Friday, January 20, 2012
Where: Spanish Fork High School
Time:    3:30PM
Este mes, reunion obligatoria, Viernes, 1/20/12, 3:30PM, Spanish Fork High School