Monday, November 28, 2011

Safety Committee Meeting

Who: Members of the Safety Committee
When: Thurs., December 8,
Time: 3PM
Where: Personnel Office Training Ctr.
Remember to check your area
First Aid kit needs!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Heath & Dental Open Enrollment

All Employees: Health and Dental Open Enrollment is HERE!

We are pleased to announce that there will be no changes in our Health and Dental Premiums for 2012. If you are currently enrolled, and do not wish to make any changes, you do not need to do anything. If you are not currently enrolled, or you wish to make changes due to marriage, birth of a child, etc., now is the time to enroll or make changes!! Please see Steve in Personnel for more information.

MCF Medical Clinic Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday

The MCF Medical Clinic will be closed Thursday & Friday, November 24 & 25, 2011 for Thanksgiving.

MCF Christmas Concert Tickets

Bar J Wrangler Tickets
• Please pick up your Bar J Wrangler tickets at the Personnel office.
• Please pick up you tickets before Monday, December 5th.
• Let us know if you are not going to use your tickets so others can.