Monday, June 28, 2010

MCF Picnic/Pool Party

When: Monday 7/5/10
Time: Dinner & Games 5:00-6:30PM
Swimming 6:30-9:30PM
For: Employees and spouse (or guest), and dependent children

Please let your supervisor know if you are coming or not coming to the party.
See EIS at work for more details.

Safety Committee Meeting

Thursday, July 1st
2:30 - 3:30 pm
Personnel Office
See EIS at work for more details.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Mountain Country Ranch - Campground Clean Up

Did you know that Mountain Country Foods has a new campground for employees and their families? 
Volunteers are  needed to help clear brush, trim trees and generally clean the area.

When: Thursday 6/24 and Friday 6/25
Time: 10am to 2pm
Where: Mountain Country Ranch Campground
(See EIS at work for directions)

Call the Personnel Office with any questions
Bring your own food and drink.

Tools to bring:
  • rakes
  • shovels
  • gloves
  • saws
  • eye protection, etc.

Monday, June 14, 2010


The spa is now open!  All employees need to come to the Personnel Office to have their spa keys activated. 

Reminder: the spa is for MCF employees only.  No family or guests.

Spanish Classes

Wednesdays, 1:15-2:45pm
Fridays, 10:30am to 12 noon

We have moved all Spanish Classes to the offices in the MCF Distribution Center.  We are looking to add 1 or 2 more intermediate Spanish students.  It is a very fun group of students and an excellent instructor!

Watch for EIS (employee information screens) for any changes.

English Classes (ESL) in the Training Center

Beginners English:
Monday & Wednesday, 1:45pm

Intermediate English:
We are on summer break until the kids go back to school.

Questions?  Ask Pilar: ex 129

Birthday "day off with pay" Certificates

Certificates will be mailed to your home address with your birthday card.  Please be sure the Personnel Office has your correct address.

Campground Committee

Meet at Personnel Office for first meeting:


New Safety Committee

Forming (under construction)

Would you like to be part?

You must be able to:
1. Attend a monthly meeting on Thursday afternoon
2. Be able to work and communicate with committee members and employees
3. Be interesting in improving safety at work
4. Be interested in helping train others.

Talk to your supervisor if you are interested.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

401k Meeting

Thursday, June 17th
Personnel Office
3:15 pm English
4:15 pm Spanish

Any questions, ask Steve Wright.

This is an informational meeting regarding our 401k plan.  Representatives will be there to answer your questions.